
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So Sad. . :(

Goodbye Trio Rusuh. .
Rest In Peace, I Love You all. :')

ps: gak akan memelihara pets dulu untuk sementara waktu. :(

Friday, May 20, 2011

Alhamdulillah. .

Finally, i already let him go. .
rest in peace, Michi. .
i'll take care of your brother and sister, Chia and Lunna. :)

Hamba ikhlas Ya Rabb. :)
terima kasih atas kekuatan yang tlah Engkau berikan.
God, You know i love you, and i love Michi.
and he's Yours now.
i tried to do my best, maybe not the best for Michi.
i'm so sorry. :')
You know the best for Michi, for me.
thank you. :)

My Soulmate No.1's Graduation Day. :)

This day was one of her best day. :)

this is Una's, Rauna Rokhmatin, my bbf, my bestie, my soulmate no.1 graduation day. :D
i'm so happy for her. :)

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Una, photo taken and edited by me. :D

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Me and Una

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

R.I.P Michi My Lovely Cat :(

i'm so sad. i can't stop crying.
my cat, Michi was gone, already gone. .
Michi died yesterday. i thought he's poisoned. :(
poor michi. .
Rest In Peace my Lovely Cat, Michi. .
i love you much . :')
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Little Michi

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