
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Food Parade | Easy Mocca Cupcake

Hi, i wanna share to all of you my fave hobby, cooking, yeah, cooking. :)
This is first post about cooking and foods, so sorry if this post a lil messy.
check it out :)

Easy Mocca Cupcake

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2 butir telur
175 gram gula pasir
1 sdt cake emulsifier, ovalet
1 sdt baking powder
200 gram tepung terigu
200 ml susu cair
pasta mocca secukupnya
choco chip secukupnya

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Cara membuat:
1. Siapkan cetakan cake kecil, alasi dengan kertas cup. Panaskan kukusan/dandang.
2. Kocok telur bersama gula pasir dan cake emulsifier sampai mengembang.
3. Masukan tepung terigu dan susu cair bergantian, aduk rata.
4. Tambahkan pasta mocca secukupnya, sesuai selera, aduk sampai rata.
5. Masukkan ke dalam cetakan sampai hampir penuh, taburi dengan choco chip.
6. Kukus selama 10-15 menit atau sampai matang, angkat dan tiriskan.
7. Sajikan.

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Its easy, right?
You can make any improvisation with chocolate, cheese, fruits, or whatever you like.
Just be smart and be creative.
Your family and children will love it and love you more. :)
trust me. hehe. ;)

This recipe adapted from '100 Resep Cake&Kue oleh Sisca Soewitomo'


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