
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Cute Bestfriend, Novi...

Her name is Novi, my bestfriend, my soulmate. Haha.
She's so cute. Hihi. She's younger, but she's more mature than me. I'm a big baby. U,U
We're so close, both of us are K-POP-ers (actually, she's the one who infected me with k-pop virus XD)
We love to chit chat about all things like fashion, music, foods, gossip and other random things. Haha.

I attached two photos of us (uhm, actually 8 pose), she edited our photos to be something cute like this....

Haha. CUTE!!! >,<

This photos were taken when we hang out 2 weeks ago. Haha.

Bebeb, saranghaeeeeee. *kiss*

Photos and Digital Imaging by Novi Fitri

not allowed to copy & paste photos without permission
copyrights by myownmind|teti blog

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